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If Wanless leaves, how does that affect Jenkins?

Green Laser

Active member
If Wanless leaves as AD how will that affect the Jerome Jenkins situation? Do they pull the trigger now or give him an additional year and let the new AD make the call? Any thoughts?
I think its going to be a wait and see personally. Too much is in the air. I think what will happen is Wanless will wait to hear from EIU.
I tend to agree, unless Wanless hears soon I think that everything will be on hold. Even if he needs to be replaced, by the time the new AD is selected it may be too late to make the move this year. Bad timing all around.
First - I don't think Wanless will be going any where. Hypothetically, if he were to go I believe he would pull the trigger and not renew Jenkins contract. I think the program is just as bad now as when he arrived (look at his record over the last 8 years). In addition, he's having issues with players remaining eligible.

He's done - Bye!!
Given the pub Jenkins got on the local news last night, he might not be going anywhere. How would it look for Wanless to can the coach who helped out a blind chick who was shooting free throws during the Kings/Lakers tilt?

I hope Wanless has the guts to take the PR hit on that, though. Jenkins deserves to leave.
Weber: Wanless just got back from his EIU interview yesterday. My guess is something will probably happen before the end of the week.
SactoHornetAlum said:
Isn't that what I said...albeit in a roundabout way ;-)

Yes, I'm confirming your guesstimate. I heard from a source within the athletic department that something is going down tomorrow. If not tomorrow, Monday at the latest.
I have heard his name being bandied about. Would be very interesting to have him here. He knows California for recruiting, he definitely knows the conference and he is IMO one good coach.
Agreed, Cravens was a good coach and a cool guy. He came over to my house once even when I was a student since a couple of my roommates were on the team. In fact he still lives just a few blocks from my old college pad!

Is contract with WSU just ended in December so I would guess he is now looking for a coaching job. It was sad to see him go he only had 2 bad years. And the first bad year he made it to the big sky championship game!!!

Joe Cravens at Weber State:

2000-2006 Joe Cravens 116-88, winning pct: 57%, 1 Big Sky title, 2 Big Sky championship games. He made the conference tourney 6 of his 7 years.

He lead the 2003 team to an undefeated 16-0 (26-6 overall) in the Big Sky.

Jermaine Boyette, one of his recruits is considered one of the best players in WSU history. Also, Cravens recruited Loren Leath who Joe had coming to Weber until Leath had some family issues and decided to stay close to home. Cravens gets a lot of good recruits from Indiana.

Most of our best players while he was our coach came from Indiana.

With WSU he beat LSU, Colorado State, Wisconsin, BYU, Utah State twice, Utah twice, Nevada twice, Boise State a few times.

We'd love to have him, just a question of whether or not he'd be interested in taking over a program like ours. We need his discipline, leadership, and COACHING. I go to all the Sac State home games and when I hear them yell out a specific play, I could probably tell you exactly where everyone is going to go. And when that doesn't work, they just play streetball.

If a casual fan knows (that "14" is an iso play where everyone spreads out and Vinnie goes one on one or that Superman/Iverson/Lo/CWoods"insert SG faking a drive, giving the ball back to the PG, then coming back off a screen on the left side shooting a 3 here") where everyone is going on the plays, I can only imagine what the other team who actually scouts them knows. Same goes for "Blue/Green 5", "Hot", "Georgia Tech", so on and so forth. You other fans know what I'm talking about if you go to the games. And the 1-2-1-1 press/trap is old hat.

Sorry, had to vent. I've been listening to the same play calls from Jenkins for 8 years and think Cravens would be lovely...
Kadeezy...well put. The few times I saw a 2-3 zone this year and it actually worked, but then they would go back to 1-2-1-1 and usually get burned....usually, hell, all the time.
I have one question about Jenkins, he didn't have many great teams over the years but how did he manage to have his teams to lead the conference in steals every year? I heard it was all 8 years. What next for Jenkins?

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