• Hi Guest,

    We've updated the site to combine all the forums that were part of the Big Sky Fans Network into one location. This will make it easier to navigate and participate in all the discussions for each school without having to have multiple accounts, etc. We are still working out some tweaks but please let us know if you notice anything.

    With the migration, in some circumstances, your username could have been merged with one of your other usernames from the other forums. If this is the case, you can request to change your username in your account details page of your profile.

The Mirror Sports Twitter


Hey everybody,

If you have a free minute, go check out the sports Twitter from the University of Northern Colorado student newspaper, The Mirror. We're trying to gain more followers so that more people know about what's going on with athletics at UNC.

No, we're not The Tribune, but we're free and we're doing our absolute best to give UNC athletics the coverage it deserves. We're student journalists getting more experience, and the more eyes we have on what we write, the better we become. Please help us out.

We would really appreciate it!

Find us: @UNCMirrorSports
If/When you do follow us, please mention that you saw this posting!

Also, "like" The Mirror on Facebook:

https://www.facebook.com/events/303015533103854/#!/UNCMirror" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Thank you very much in advance, and Go Bears!


Parker Cotton
Sports Editor, The Mirror
( @ParkerCotton43)
Thanks Parker. Quite a few UNC sports related twitter accounts. That's a good sign.

(I deleted the other 2 posts since once is enough) :thumb:
No worries. I just wanted to make sure people saw it, just in case they didn't check any of the other threads.

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