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Blue and Gold Club


Active member
...is back. This will be one of Jack's priorities. Will bringing this thing back be difficult? Jay probably didn't handle it right when he took it away and now will donors be so pissed off they won't come back? I emailed Maughn about three weeks ago asking some questions, mainly how do I sign up and I got no response back. Not exactly a good start. I have another question - what will be priorities? If we want to still upgrade facilites, I'll say this - Priority number one should be putting actually locer rooms in at Nottingham. Second, upgrade the scoreboard. Put up a nice video scoreboard that will have pictures and replay. Third -make the east stands permanant. When we have games on TV they show the east stands and it looks too high schoolish. As for other sports. Keep trying to get the city and the university to flip the bill for a new basketball arena. Most tax increase related things don't make it on the ballet the first time just like it didn't last year, but we can keep trying. That building that UH had is still empty. Destroy it and make a nice little arena. Something to the likes of the Bud barn here in Loveland.

Any other suggestions? I look forward to helping out, as soon as I find out how I can!
I agree 100% with everything here... the question is can they bring this message to the masses or will this be another silent project that we'll hear and know nothing about?

I'm hesitent to donate money when I have no idea what's going on... I still can't find out how many scholarships we'll have for football this year... oh and have I mentioned yet that they need to post a 2008 roster? :lol:
"I still can't find out how many scholarships we'll have for football this year."

This has been discussed already--we are fully funded for football. I can't find the post right now, but I remember beardown noting he had talked with Downing about this matter.

Upgrades: don't forget about baseball--the sport with the fewest scholarships, worst facility and playing the most of the big boys to bring in money. Something needs to be done for that program first.

Bishop-Lehr's situation is a bit different: the school cannot tear it down until the funding is approved by the state. It is a capital "construction" item, which the state Department of Higher Ed has to include in its proposal to state legislators. Part two of that: taxing residents of Greeley isn't likely when the city is cutting funding for non-profits, trying to get rid of inefficiencies in management of facilities and facing lower sales tax income because of the mall at Loveland. $3.50 gas doesn't help either.
The city and citizens are worthless, so don't count on them for shit. Unfortunatly the entire university can't be moved lock, stock, and barrell to another town that would appreciate what it brings to the community.

If UNC is to have a new arena they will have to do it themselves which is best anyway, we dont' want the citizens of Greeley having a say in it's opperation anyway.
I'll beleive the Blue & Gold club is back when I see it. Jay made an anouncement a while ago, and still nothing...
I agree that an arena will only happen if the university does it themselves. It's that much harder that way but in the long run better I think.
The B&G club is back. It will now fall under the UNC Foundation oversight so Hinrichs will have little or nothing to do with it. This is good in my opinion. I think initially that the B&G club will be hard to get info on - it takes time to get info together and propoganda prepared. In a year it will have more structure. Jack's only been on the job a few weeks and arguably runs the only financially competent sports program at UNC so lets see how it plays out.
Beardown said:
I have another question - what will be priorities? If we want to still upgrade facilites, I'll say this - Priority number one should be putting actually locer rooms in at Nottingham. Second, upgrade the scoreboard. Put up a nice video scoreboard that will have pictures and replay. Third -make the east stands permanant. When we have games on TV they show the east stands and it looks too high schoolish. As for other sports. Keep trying to get the city and the university to flip the bill for a new basketball arena. Most tax increase related things don't make it on the ballet the first time just like it didn't last year, but we can keep trying. That building that UH had is still empty. Destroy it and make a nice little arena. Something to the likes of the Bud barn here in Loveland.

I believe that it's about time for baseball to see some facility upgrades, they deserve it.
More things I thought I would never see: a B&G Club banner on the main page!!! :shock:

Jack should take Jay's job. He has done more in a month than Jay has done all year!
GoBears said:
More things I thought I would never see: a B&G Club banner on the main page!!! :shock:

Jack should take Jay's job. He has done more in a month than Jay has done all year!
Now you are on to something!
Here's a recent article in the Ft. Collins...errr...Greeley Tribune about the B&G Club. The future looks good, we all just need to contribute what we can.


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